Prior authorization for provider-administered drugs

Request a PA for a provider-administered drug (medical benefit)

Check the HCPCS tool and our medical drug policies to see if a prior authorization is required for a pharmacy drug.

  • Please note, the HCPCS tool is not a comprehensive list of all drug codes. If a drug code is not on the HCPCS tool, no authorization is required for the drug itself when provider-administered (other benefit coverage rules may apply).

If prior authorization is required, select the member’s plan below for more information on how to submit a prior authorization.

Select medications are Medical Benefit Only (MBO), meaning the drug is available through a health care professional who administers the drug or in an outpatient setting.

  • Check the MassHealth Drug List or the MassHealth ACO/MCO Drugs Restricted to the Medical Benefit list to see if the medication is MBO.
  1. Review the WellSense Preferred HCPCS Drug List for Massachusetts
  2. For drugs on this list, select the WellSense drug specific PA form below and submit the request to WellSense via fax to 866-536-7185
3. For all other drug codes, submit a PA by  
  • Faxing to 833-951-1680
  • Calling us at 877-417-1822 

WellSense partners with Care Continuum (CCUM) to manage prior authorizations for medical drugs when administered by a health care professional or in an outpatient setting.

For drug codes requiring authorization, submit requests to CCUM

  • Online through
  • Fax PA to 833-812-0687
  • Call CCUM at 866-716-8338

WellSense partners with Care Continuum (CCUM) to manage prior authorizations for medical drugs when administered by a health care professional or in an outpatient setting.

For drug codes requiring authorization, submit requests to CCUM

  • Online through
  • Fax PA to 833-812-0687
  • Call CCUM at 866-716-8338