Submit claims
Change Healthcare Outage Update
On February 21, 2024, Change Healthcare experienced a disruption to their systems due to a cybersecurity threat. There is no current threat to WellSense systems, and we continue to accept and process both claims and prior authorization requests without interruption. Please continue to submit notifications and requests for authorization for any services that require notification or authorization.
If you use Change Healthcare to submit claims, referrals or prior authorization requests for medical services or to check member eligibility, please refer to your WellSense provider manual for alternative methods. Many of these requests can be completed electronically using our provider portal.
For questions, please contact WellSense Provider Services at 877-957-1300.
Change Healthcare outage update
Claims payment services have been restored but are not yet operating at their original fulfillment efficiency. Efforts are actively underway to restore our ability to receive and generate non-check related remittance advices and to return claim payment services to their original functionality. We do not yet have an date for Remittance Advice availability.
We strongly encourage providers who still receive paper checks for claims payments to switch to EFT payments. To sign up for EFT payments, please complete and submit this form to your WellSense Provider Relations Consultant. For any questions, please contact us at
Paper checks and remittance delays
Due to unexpected events with Change Healthcare, WellSense is experiencing a delay in processing and delivering physical checks this week across all product lines in New Hampshire. Providers that are setup for EFT are not impacted and will receive payments accordingly.
We encourage all providers to transition to electronic payments to avoid issues with paper checks. As such, if you are currently receiving checks and would like to receive payments electronically please contact us immediately at
We apologize for this inconvenience and anticipate returning to normal as soon as we are able to.
To expedite payments, we suggest you submit claims electronically, and only submit paper claims when necessary. You can now submit claims through our online portal.
Send claims within 120 days for WellSense.
In order to pay your claims quickly and accurately, we must receive them within 120 days of the date of service.
Please submit a:
- Single claim for each patient
- Separate claim form for each provider who saw a patient
- Separate claim form for each site where a patient received services
Submitted claims must:
Meet all prior authorization requirements and include the prior authorization number
Include both your National Provider Identifier (NPI) and tax ID numbers
For more information, please see the Provider Manual, Section 9, Billing and Reimbursement.
For earlier submissions and faster payments, claims should be submitted through our online portal or register with Trizetto Payer Solutions here. Or use the following clearinghouses:
- Gateway EDI
- NEHEN (New England Healthcare EDI Network)
Submitting claims through the portal means you can:
- Get paid up to a week faster on clean claims
- Reduce your administrative costs
- Minimize typos and errors
- Correct claims electronically
You can also submit claims through billing agencies, such as Affiliated Professional Services, Athenahealth or ClaimRemedi, LogixHealth, Hill Associates (a.k.a., AdvantEdge), and ViaTrack (QSI).
Electronic Claim set up is simple and only takes five minutes.
- EDI Claims Companion guide for 5010 – Provides direct submission set-up instructions and data requirements, report examples, replacement/void request information, clearinghouse contact information and payer ID numbers, and more.
- Electronic Health Care Claim Payment / Advice (835) Companion Guide for 5010 – Provides details about the Plan’s Electronic Remittance Advice.
- Electronic Health Care Eligibility Benefit Inquiry and Response (270 / 271) Companion Guide for 5010 – answers questions you may have regarding researching member eligibility using real-time HIPAA transaction standards.
Send new paper claims via U.S. mail to the address below for covered services given to WellSense Health Plan members. Sending claims via certified mail does not expedite claim processing and may cause delays.
WellSense Health Plan
Claims Department
PO Box 55049
Boston, MA 02205-5049
Paper claims may be submitted via U.S. mail by filling out the CMS-1500 or UB-04 form and sending it to the address above.
Returned Checks
If you receive a check with the wrong pay-to information, send it back to us at the above address along with the correct provider pay-to-information. Then we will reissue the check.
Refunding Overpayments
If you received an overpayment, complete this form to credit the money back to us. Please return the form within 60 days of receipt of the overpayment by mail or fax.
WellSense Health Plan
Credit Balance Department
PO Box 55049
Boston, MA 02205-5049
Log in to the portal to see the status of a claim. Just enter your patient’s member ID number or claim number. You can also:
- Download claims reports – log in to get standard claims reports.
- Get payment history – log in in to request to request a remittance report and an explanation of benefits.
If you are not a WellSense network provider and will be administering a one-time service to a member, you must complete this Non-Participating Provider Activation Form to receive payment.
Fax the completed form along with your W-9 form to 617-897-0845, to the attention of the Provider Enrollment Department.
Prior Authorization
You must receive prior authorization before delivering services to a WellSense Health Plan member. Use the Universal Prior Authorization Form or call 877-957-1300 Option 3.
Please note: If you do not obtain prior authorization, your claim may be denied, unless the claim is for emergency care.
You must correct claims that were filed with incorrect information, even if the claim has been paid.
The most common reasons we reject claims are:
- The NPI is incorrect, is not listed on the claim or does not match the recorded tax identification number registered in our system
- Invalid member ID number
- The original claim number is not included on a void, replacement or corrected claim
- The EDI void and replacement requests do not include the required information, such as the original claim number
- Missing NPI Number: If we reject a claim for a missing NPI number, you must send it as a new claim with updated information.
Additional documentation requested: If we requested additional information, simply resubmit the claim with the additional documentation. Do not submit it as a corrected claim.
Electronic Claims
The process for correcting an electronic claim depends on what needs to be corrected:
- For provider name, NPI number, member name, or member ID number changes, you must first process a void claim, and then file a new claim
- To correct billing errors, such as the procedure code or dates of services, file a replacement claim
Replacement and void corrections must include the original claim number in a specific position in the 837: Loop 2300, Segment REF – Payer Claim Control Number, with F8 in position 01 (Reference Identification Qualifier) and the original claim number in position 2.
For more information on electronic replacement and void requests, please see the Electronic Health Care Claim Payment / Advice (835) Companion Guide for 5010, or contact your Provider Relations representative or our EDI department.
Paper Claims
To submit a corrected claim:
- Print out a new claim with corrected information
- Write “Corrected Claim” and the original claim number on the top of the claim
- Circle all corrected claim information
- Include the plan claim number, which can be found on the remittance advice
- Denote the item(s) needing correction (please do not hand-write in a new diagnosis, procedure code, modifier, etc.)
Submit the claim in the time-frame specified by the terms of your contract to:
WellSense Health Plan
P.O. Box 55049
Boston, MA 02205
If you don't agree with how a claim was processed, you can request a provider administrative claim appeal using the Request for Claim Review Form. Forms must be submitted with all required information, including but not limited to completion of all fields denoted with an asterisk (*) and the correct Review Type box. If using “Other” on the form, you must document specific information pertaining to your request. Incomplete forms will be returned to the submitting provider for completion and appeal resubmission. Submit the form, the required written narrative and supporting documentation within your contracted timely filing limit to the address below. We have a one-level internal appeals process and will make a determination within 30 days following receipt of the appeal accompanied by the appropriate documentation. A resolution letter describing the decision is mailed to you upon completion of our review.
Please access the Provider Manual for additional information regarding this process.
The following types of provider administrative claim appeals are IN SCOPE for this process:
- Level of Compensation/Reimbursement
- Timely Filing of Claims
- Retroactive Eligibility
- Lack of Prior Authorization/Inpatient Notification Denials
- Non-Covered and/or Unlisted Code Denials
- Other Party Liability (OPL)/Third Party Liability (TPL)/Coordination of Benefits (COB)
- Provider Audit and Special Investigation Unit (SIU) Appeals
- Duplicate Claim Appeals
The following are considered Claim Issues and are OUT-OF-SCOPE for this process and must be sent to the appropriate departments:
- Claim Adjustments
- Corrected Claims
- Claim Resubmissions
- Claims Involving OPL/TPL/COB*
*Note: Claims issues involving OPL/TPL/COB are not necessarily appeals involving OPL/TPL/COB claims. Providers are responsible for sending their requests to the appropriate address via the required method(s).
Mail appeals and supporting documents to:
WellSense Health Plan
Attn: Provider Appeals
PO Box 55049
Boston, MA 02205-5049
Request for Claim Review Form
For more detailed information on appeals, please see section 10 of the Provider Manual.
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