Medical doctor, hospital or facility

Search primary care providers (PCP), specialists and other healthcare providers, including durable medical equipment providers.

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Behavioral health provider

Find mental health and substance use disorder providers here.

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In-person pharmacy

Locate an in-person retail pharmacy where you can fill your Part D prescription drugs. 

Find a pharmacy

Choose a dentist from the Delta Dental national provider network

Find a dentist

Vision provider

Find a vision provider in your area.

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Mail order pharmacy
Get your medications sent directly to your home through Cornerstone Health Solutions (CHS) mail order pharmacy.

Get started

Medical Doctor, Hospital or Facility

Search primary care providers (PCP), specialists and other healthcare providers (including durable medical equipment providers.) Just follow the instructions on each page to search by gender, language, locations, accessibility and more.

WellSense Medicare Advantage has physicians, specialists and other providers all across New Hampshire in our extensive network. Click on the provider directory links below to find a provider near you.

Find a provider

Find a provider using the links below.

Not sure which plan type you have? Check your member ID card or call Member Service.

HMO plans

(Added Value, Choice, Premium Savings, Signature)

What can you do if your doctor is not available?

Nurse advice line
If you need urgent or after-hours care, our 24/7 Nurse Advice Line can help point you in the right direction.

Call the nurse line

Urgent care
If you need to see someone face-to-face, urgent care may offer the services you need without the long wait times of the emergency room.

Find an urgent care location

Call 911 if you need emergency care for:
  • Chest pain
  • Bleeding that won't stop
  • Poisoning or drug overdose
  • Mental health and/or substance use crisis